May 2005 Photos

Monday, May 30, 2005

Susan, I beat you!

Jackie!!!! Did you see that....DID YA!

That bastard steps on my can of beer again! I don't know what I'll do!

Take this....playing on a womans team!

8 beers, 10 to go.

Wilf WHO???

Holly &%(^% the hat works!

Nice ASS buddy!!!

It's as close as I can get.

Is the flag between my legs???

In the HOLE!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Extended colour right aorund the side. Maybe we should repaint that green wood to a rusty colour brown!

The CORAL is gone and the new colour extended! Look's wonderful.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This was the last thing set fire to on Firework Night. Kind of fitting, haveing the schoolhouse burn, when our own school's will be closed this week due to a STRIKE!

Who picked this cold wet weekend for preparation? Also, how come the person taking pictures is not helping?

Hmmmm....2 more people, that's four!

Ah ha, finally it's launch time. We have 2 people cleaning.

Jayna's racoon. I think he is a little confused as there was a deer right under him on the ground.

Thank God that round of golf is over!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Spring Concert May 05, 2005 (added song for a bonus)

Spring Concert May 05, 2005 ( Sarah's first acting debut with 18 lines)

Spring Concert Play (Sarah playing the Wolf who hates Litterbugs) May 05, 2005

Who the "bleep" let RIP TAYLOR in here???

Thorne County Dump

"Damn it, Janice, where's the CHEESE?"

"Uh oh, Cathy's back. Don't touch that bottle of Diet Coke. That's Big Len's personal backwash bottle"

Ahhh, nice vacuumed hardwood! "Hey, anybody seen Dylan, he was here eating?"

I am leaving, there is only six beers here!

Must have been an easy job. There is only a Six Pack.

"OK, that's enough I am out of here." Two Koziol's telling a York where to stick a shelf, trouble's brewing.

Could that really be Tod handling the vacuum??? Where is Big Len? Is that him walking in, "no" just another Todd.

The AFTERmath of carpet removal.

Dylan and Daddy

The "BEFORE" removal of carpet.

"What do you mean, TURN OFF THE PS2, it is only 2:00 in the morning!!!" Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005